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  • Is it Really Artisan vs. Automation?

    September 4, 2024

    The Impact of Filling Machines on Artisanal Production

    In this article, Harmony Kinnear of Adelphi Manufacturing explores three common fears/misconceptions which artisans may have when investigating scaling-up their business, regarding entry-level automation. Namely; Fear of losing control, Fear of losing human touch and Fear of selling out.

    We ask…

    • Are artisanal and automated production styles always mutually exclusive?
    • Does automation take the love out of your product?
    • What are the specific advantages of automation for artisan producers?

    We conclude that filling machines are also crafted products themselves; valuable tools to further your success as an artisan, without necessitating a compromise of your values.


    Artisan Table Top Filling Machine

    Consideration #1: Why do you want to scale up?

    Taking things back a step, it’s a really useful process to self-interrogate WHY you are investigating automation options…  Practical considerations include additional stockists having discovered your brand, you may be struggling to fulfil larger order volumes, or you might wish to expand your business into a new market.

    Ultimately, the decision to take on such higher-demand opportunities often boils down to a fantastic, inspiring faith in your product, and the belief that it is worthy of being experienced and enjoyed by a larger audience.

    Consideration #2: What is holding you back?

    Fear 1: Losing Control

    The concept of ‘giving up’ any aspect of your business is frightening, and this is frequently how artisan producers perceive the use of automation. For example, this may be the first time you’ve defined any of the exact systems which go into making your product. For many, transitioning from ‘eyeballing’ each batch to introducing standardised measurements of ingredients, or documenting the formulation or filling processes, can feel like losing part of the creative aspect which you love.

    However, considering both sides of the coin – what you could GAIN through introducing entry-level automation – can open up a new landscape of opportunities…


    GAIN 1:

    Over or under-filling your product represents a lack of control, with the potential for significant detrimental impact to your business. With lines of your product on shelves in the shops, if they are filled to noticeably different levels, customers can end up feeling short changed.

    What you gain: A consistent customer experience of your product, to ensure repeat purchases, regular customers and a positive impression of your brand.

    GAIN 2:
    Inability to let go represents a lack of control. You LIVE your product, and it can often feel that no-one else would lavish the same love and care on its creation as you would.

    What you gain: Standardising and documenting product creation processes will enable smoother additions of new team members into your world, and give them the tools to maintain the very highest standards.

    GAIN 3:
    Getting potential waste under control is a high-reward exercise. Manual filling gives an average accuracy of ± 10% – overfilling just ten containers could mean giving away one full measure of your product for free!

    What you gain: Higher and more consistent profitability potential of your product.


    Considering how automation can add elements of control your business, is a great opportunity to re-define what Creative Control means to you.

    Automating a repetitive task like filling, gives you more time to dedicate to other aspects of your business, such as formulating new recipes, approaching potential new stockists, or finally actioning the expansion plans you’ve been dreaming of!

    Automation enables you to be both creative, and in control.

    Artisan Table Top Filling Machine


    Fear 2: Losing the Human Touch

    Semi-automatic and automatic filling machines allow you to significantly scale your productivity, whilst keeping parts of your process as made-by-hand. When a product is made-by-hand, it is often held in high regard, by yourself, your peers and your customers.

    Artisanal branding often reflects this, suggesting that your product is not only valuable on a personal level, but on a commercial one. Fear of losing the human touch can be extremely powerful, as consumers tend to equate human effort with value, so will pay a higher price.

    Automated filling machinery, by its nature, slightly increases both the physical distance and manual touchpoints between yourself and your product. This can be interpreted as a loss; both a literal and a symbolic step back.

    Fear of losing the human touch can also be interpreted as fear of losing the human intention behind each process. In the culinary world, it is common to say that food has been “made with love”. For some, introducing a food filling machine can be bittersweet as it changes their original process, which may date back to their business’ inception round the kitchen table!

    But it doesn’t follow that filling your product using a small table-top filling machine rather than by hand, makes it less able to justify its artisanal price point. Regardless of how your product is filled, your recipe has been conceptualised, crafted, tinkered and finally perfected, and that is where the true labour of love lies.


    TOP TIP: Go out into the wider world and find your business inspiration! There’s an extremely high chance they’re using a filling machine, and you don’t think any less of them! By finding companies which resonate with you, you will start to demystify filling machines, and instead think of them as opportunities to take your product further than you are currently able.


    Taking the next step for your business can mean upgrading from your day-one processes. This doesn’t mean your product is being made with less love!

    Fear 3: Selling Out

    In the creative industries “selling out” is a readily discussed and much maligned concept. As opposed to other business sectors, artisans are more scrutinised while scaling up. Unfairly, adding even entry-level automation to your production can be equated with selling out.

    The good news is that your growth remains entirely up to you. Success is not a runaway train; rather, it’s a succession of stops along the way. Defining what success means for your business is absolutely essential. Adelphi Manufacturing offer filling machines that can suit any business size. However, manual filling ensures a product will only ever reach a limited number of people.

    Culturally, we often put businesses into two stereotypical categories; ‘The Caring Artisan’ and ‘The Unfeeling Corporation’. The classic ‘rags to riches’ story told within our society, can lead people to believe success is a double-edged sword, and that your business is either one or the other of these things. However, what gets forgotten is that in between these two extremes there is a varied, warm and thriving business community in which artisans are hugely valued.

    We view our machines as support systems that empower you to dream bigger!

    Artisan Table Top Filling Machine

    Conclusion: Add Another Tool to your Arsenal

    It is irrefutable that there are logistical limitations to doing things by hand. This realisation on behalf of the maker is what makes purchasing from Adelphi Manufacturing emotional or bittersweet. Luckily, we have tonnes of testimony that we handle this issue with love and care!

    Filling machines are a fantastic tool in an artisan’s arsenal, and when you look around, automation which retains a personal touch is everywhere to see. At your favourite independent coffee shop, skilled baristas operate machines which grind your beans, then combine with hot water to make your coffee faster. We believe the question can’t be “Artisan vs. Automation” as the two aren’t mutually exclusive.

    At Adelphi Manufacturing we have a sincere appreciation of things made by hand, as this applies to our equipment too – which is designed, machined and built by our team of skilled craftspeople in the heart of West Sussex.

    We seek to automate the repetitive tasks in your business, allowing you to increase production seamlessly, take on new and exciting orders and spend time on other aspects of your business. Understanding what your production goals are will help immensely during your consultation with us. Like our machines, we build relationships that last.


    Did any of the points raised resonate with you? Or do you have other apprehensions which you would appreciate discussing?

    Talk to us!



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