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Millennials and the manufacturing industry: changing perceptions
June 27, 2019
During the recent Powering British Industry event, The Manufacturer’s Edward Pearcey investigated “manufacturing’s perception problem”, and the issues around “enticing young people into the industry”. He writes that “even though milliennials have a (deserved) reputation for job hopping, almost 70% cited loyalty to their employers as being important, roughly in line with previous generations”. Pearcey goes on to stress that “there needs to be a more clearly defined career structure when people enter into manufacturing”. He is an advocate for “working the way up, and in the process acquiring a holistic view of an organisation”.
At Adelphi, we proactively work to develop our employees, at all levels of the business. We have an active apprenticeship scheme, to provide apprentices at the start of their careers with opportunities to develop workplace and personal skills. Many of our former apprentices have gone on to be employed full time and promoted further within the Adelphi Group.

We currently employ three apprentices at the beginnings of their careers (a Sales Administrator, a Welder and an Electrical Fitter), with one further apprentice who has graduated within the past month and is now a full time employee in our Sales Team. There are currently three further full-time employees at the Adelphi Group of Companies who are former apprentices (another Sales Administrator, a Warehouseman and an Accounts Assistant).
Since undertaking her BTEC Level 2 Business Administration (completed in 2015), Accounts Assistant Lauren has been promoted from Sales Administrator to Accounts Assistant, and is now being supported in her AAT exams by the Adelphi Group, to enable her to develop further in line with the needs of the company.

At Adelphi, we also encourage our existing employees to suggest and take up further qualifications or study programmes, to help them realise their full potential. Marketing and Business Development Executive Hannah Hogan has recently enrolled in an apprenticeship course, which will provide her upon completion with a BCS (Chartered institute of IT) Level 3 qualification in Digital Marketing, a Google accredited qualification in analytics, a Certificate in Principles of Coding and a completed apprenticeship certificate. This requires her to spend one of her five working days per week solely focusing on apprenticeship work, which the Adelphi Group have been pleased to facilitate.
We also love to promote employees internally, where relevant. Nicola Jones began working for Adelphi in 2007, starting out as a Customer Service Administrator and working up to Internal Sales Manager. She migrated over to become the group Marketing Manager a few years ago, and has now completed her degree in Professional Marketing, subsidised by Adelphi. In February 2018, Nicola was promoted to the Board of Directors, as Associate Director of Group company Pharma Hygiene Products Ltd.

Our team are very much the core of our business, and we are proud of all our employees. We are always pleased to welcome customers and contacts to our West Sussex site for tours and machine demo’s. If you would like to discuss how we can assist your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us on +44 (0) 1444 472300, or email[:]