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  • Ask the Expert – Hygienic Process Equipment

    May 17, 2019

    Ask the Expert - filling technologies




    Adelphi Manufacturing’s Sales Director Dean Willis answers the industry’s most relevant questions:




    Which grade of stainless steel should I be looking for in the construction of process equipment and machinery, to provide the highest levels of
    hygiene for my product?

    PHP offer vessels and other process equipment in both 304 and 316L stainless steel. A simple description of the difference is that 304 grade contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel, while 316 grade contains 16% chromium, 10% nickel and 2% molybdenum. The molybdenum is added to help resist corrosion to chlorides. 316L grade stainless steel therefore has better corrosion resistance, especially against chlorides and chlorine solutions. This makes it more desirable in environments where salt exposure is likely. If you have a product with powerful corrosives or chlorides, 316L stainless steel is highly recommended as it will last longer than 304. If your product includes milder acids or does not run the risk of salt exposure, 304 grade is perfect. It can be very difficult to tell the difference between 304 and 316L grade with the naked eye, but with the use of our X-ray analyser, we can provide full traceability on our material accompanied with the relevant certification, for your peace of mind.


    Is this cost-effective for my production requirements?

    At PHP, we believe in investing in quality. Purchasing cheaper or plastic process vessels and equipment can become false economy in the long run, as such alternatives are less hygienic and less durable. However, we also understand the need for economising where possible.

    We are part of the Adelphi Group of Companies, who also manufacture process machinery (including filling and capping); many of their machine components and parts are manufactured in 304 grade stainless steel, but all ‘wetted’ parts (coming into contact with your product) are made in 316L grade. They have found this to be the most cost-effective way of proceeding.


    Are there any process equipment or machinery elements specifically designed to improve hygiene, which I should be looking out for?

    All PHP’s process equipment is made crevice and pit-free, to avoid bug traps. With respect to machinery, many of Adelphi Manufacturing’s filling machines features curved and sloping surfaces which meet GMP requirements; they offer no opportunity for product pooling. Non-drip nozzles mean that product flow is controlled. Quick-strip machines facilitate ease of cleaning, for the most hygienic finish possible.


    Are the hygienic equipment and machinery (described above) suitable for my industry?

    The high levels of hygiene facilitated by our process machinery and equipment are perfect for the pharmaceutical and laboratory, food and beverage, cosmetics and personal care, vaping industries. To speak to a specialist about your specific product/requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the information below.



    These are just a few of the many questions that we have answered for our customers looking to invest in hygienic process equipment and machinery. We have a team of experts to guide your business through the process. To discuss any of the points raised in this interview, or to chat through your requirements, don’t hesitate to contact me by email here >>> or by calling 01444 472300.


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